Relative Security

Working NXLog Configuration File – OSSIM

Please find below the links to working configuration files used in the video titled “Overview of OSSIM Web Console – Installation of NXLog”

  • Nxlog Configuration File Code
# NXLog configuration for converting and sending Windows logs to AlienVault
# USM Appliance. Both Community and Enterprise Editions of NXLog are supported.
# Version: 0.1.0
# Last modification: 2019-07-03
# Core features:
# - only forward specific Windows event IDs
# - only forward logs collected via WinRM
# - protect against event storms
# - transform messages to a "common" CSV format for AV
# 20140711 - tested for windows 2008r2
# 20140714 - tested for windows 2012r2

# Configuration available:

# Common values:

# Uncomment the proper path depending on whether your NXLog is the 32-bit or 64-bit version
#define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
define ROOT C:\Program Files (x86)\nxlog

define LOGFILE %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log

Moduledir %ROOT%\modules
CacheDir %ROOT%\data
Pidfile %ROOT%\data\
SpoolDir %ROOT%\data
LogFile %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log

####                              NXLOG                                                  #####
####  Uncomment the following lines for Windows Security and Application log forwarding  #####

# Extensions:

# Support character conversions:
#<Extension charconv>
#    Module           xm_charconv

# Inputs:

# This nxlog servers heartbeat:
# MarkInterval defines the interval in minutes of the heartbeat-messages.
# Mark defines the text which is sent.
<Input in_nxlog_heartbeat>
    Module          im_mark
    MarkInterval    10
    Mark            The nxlog service is alive.
    Exec            $EventType = 'Application'; $Channel = 'nxlog-ce'; $EventID = 8347;

## Eventstorm warning message:
## The module im_internal forwards internal log messages.
<Input in_nxlog_internal>
    Module          im_internal
    Exec            if not ($Message == "Eventstorm detected.") drop();
    Exec            $EventType = 'Application'; $Channel = 'nxlog-ce'; $EventID = 8103;

# Windows event log:
<Input in_windows_events>
    Module          im_msvistalog
    SavePos         FALSE
    ReadFromLast    TRUE

    # Limit the log forwarding to collected events:
    #Query           <QueryList>                                         \
    #                    <Query Id='0' Path='ForwardedEvents'>           \
    #                        <Select Path='ForwardedEvents'>*</Select>   \
    #                    </Query>                                        \
    #                </QueryList>

    # Another example for limiting events:
    Query           <QueryList>                                         \
                        <Query Id="0">                                  \
                            <Select Path="Security">*</Select>          \
                            <Select Path="System">*</Select>            \
                            <Select Path="Application">*</Select>       \
                            <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>  \
                            </Query>                                    \
## Transformation:

## Custom CSV format for nxlog and sysmon-nxlog plugin.
<Extension transform_alienvault_csv>
    Module          xm_csv
    Fields          $EventTime, $EventType, $Severity, $Channel, $Hostname, $EventID, $SourceName, $AccountName, $AccountType, $Domain, $Message, $Task, $Category, $Keywords, $UserID, $SeverityValue, $ProviderGuid, $Version, $OpcodeValue, $Opcode, $ActivityID, $RelatedActivityID, $ProcessID, $ThreadID, $RecordNumber
    FieldTypes      string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
    Delimiter       ;

## Filters:

## Match events by Windows event ID.
## This sets $PatternID in case it matches.
<Processor match_events>
    Module          pm_pattern
    PatternFile     %ROOT%\conf\patterndb.xml

## Outputs:

## Process and forward Windows logs:
<Output out_alienvault_csv>
    Module          om_udp
    Port            %OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT%

	 Exec $EventTime = integer($EventTime) / 1000000;

    # If the EventID doesn't exist in 'patterndb.xml' it gets dropped:
    Exec            if not defined $PatternID or not defined $Message { drop(); }
    #Exec            if not defined $Message { drop(); }

#    # Eventstorm handling:
#    # While nxlog processes more than 200 events per second (EPS) it drops all windows logs.
#    # If the rate in the next second is lower than 200 EPS it stops dropping.
#    # If a new eventstorm is detected it sends a warning and if the storm lasts longer than a minute it sends a warning every minute
#    #
#    # Variables:
#    #    rate:      this variable is used to count the events and gets reset every second
#    #    stormed:   this variable is '1' if there was an eventstorm a second before else '0'
#    #    sec:       this variable has a lifetime of one second and is used to calculate the rate (EPS)
#    #    warning:   this wariable has a lifetime of 60 seconds and is used to limit the eventstorm-warnings to one per second
#    Exec    \
#            {\
#                if not defined get_var('rate') { create_var('rate'); set_var('rate',1); }\
#                if not defined get_var('stormed'){ create_var('stormed',2); set_var('stormed',0); set_var('rate',1); }\
#                set_var('rate',get_var('rate')+1);\
#                if not defined get_var('sec')\
#                {\
#                    create_var('sec',1);\
#                    set_var('sec',1);\
#                    if get_var('rate') >= 200 { delete_var('stormed'); create_var('stormed',2); set_var('stormed',1); set_var('rate',1); drop(); } else { set_var('stormed',0); set_var('rate',1); }\
#                }\
#                else if get_var('stormed') == 1\
#                {\
#                    drop();\
#                }\
#                if get_var('rate') >= 200\
#                {\
#                    if not defined get_var('warning')\
#                    {\
#                        log_warning("Eventstorm detected.");\
#                        create_var('warning',60);\
#                        set_var('warning',1);\
#                    }\
#                    drop();\
#                }\
#            }

#    # Replace newlines, tabs and carriage returns with blanks:
    Exec            $Message = replace($Message, "\t", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\n", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\r", " ");

#    # Ensure that commonly undefined values are set:
    Exec            if not defined $AccountName { $AccountName = "-"; }
    Exec            if not defined $AccountType { $AccountType = "-"; }
    Exec            if not defined $Domain { $Domain = "-"; }

#    # Ensure we send in the proper format:
    Exec            transform_alienvault_csv->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' WIN-NXLOG ' + $raw_event + ' Task: ' + $Task + ' Category: '+ $Category + ' Keywords: ' + $Keywords + ' UserID: ' + $UserID + ' Severity: ' + $SeverityValue + ' ProviderGuid: ' + $ProviderGuid + ' Version: ' + $Version + ' OpcodeValue: ' + $OpcodeValue + ' Opcode: ' + $Opcode + ' ActivityID: ' + $ActivityID + ' RelatedActivityID: ' + $RelatedActivityID + ' ProcessID: ' + $ProcessID + ' ThreadID: ' + $ThreadID + ' RecordNumber: ' + $RecordNumber;

## Output internal nxlog messages:
<Output out_alienvault_nxlog_csv>
    Module          om_udp
    Port            %OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT%

    Exec            if not defined $Message { drop(); }

#    # Replace newlines, tabs and carriage returns with blanks:
    Exec            $Message = replace($Message, "\t", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\n", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\r", " ");

#    # Ensure that commonly undefined values are set:
    Exec            if not defined $AccountName { $AccountName = "-"; }
    Exec            if not defined $AccountType { $AccountType = "-"; }
    Exec            if not defined $Domain { $Domain = "-"; }

#    # Ensure we send in the proper format:
    Exec            transform_alienvault_csv->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' WIN-NXLOG ' + $raw_event + ' Task: ' + $Task + ' Category: '+ $Category + ' Keywords: ' + $Keywords + ' UserID: ' + $UserID + ' Severity: ' + $SeverityValue + ' ProviderGuid: ' + $ProviderGuid + ' Version: ' + $Version + ' OpcodeValue: ' + $OpcodeValue + ' Opcode: ' + $Opcode + ' ActivityID: ' + $ActivityID + ' RelatedActivityID: ' + $RelatedActivityID + ' ProcessID: ' + $ProcessID + ' ThreadID: ' + $ThreadID + ' RecordNumber: ' + $RecordNumber;

## Routes:

## Route for Windows logs:
<Route route_windows_logs>
    Path            in_windows_events => match_events => out_alienvault_csv
    #Path            in_windows_events => out_alienvault_csv

## Route for internal nxlog messages (eventstorm, heartbeat):
<Route route_nxlog_messages>
    Path            in_nxlog_internal, in_nxlog_heartbeat => out_alienvault_nxlog_csv

####                         /NXLOG                               #####

####                        CLAMWIN-NXLOG                         #####
####   Uncomment the following lines for CLAMWIN log forwarding   #####

#<Input CLAMWIN_Logs>
#    Module     im_file
#    File    	"C:\\ProgramData\\.clamwin\\log\\ClamScanLog.txt"
#    InputType  LineBased
#    SavePos  	FALSE

#    Exec           $Message = $raw_event;

#	 # Replace white spaces
#    Exec            $Message = replace($Message, "\t", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\n", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\r", " ");

## Output internal CLAMWIN nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_CLAMWIN_nxlog>
#    Module     om_udp
#    Exec    	$Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec       $raw_event =$Hostname + ' CLAM-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;

## Route for CLAMWIN nxlog logs:
#<Route route_CLAMWIN_nxlog>
#    Path        CLAMWIN_Logs => out_alienvault_CLAMWIN_nxlog
####                      /CLAMWIN-NXLOG                          #####

####             DHCP-NXLOG / DNS-NXLOG / FTP-NXLOG / IIS-NXLOG / IIS-SMTP-NXLOG / WINDOWS-FW-NXLOG              #####
####  Uncomment the following lines for DNS, DHCP, FTP, IIS, IIS-SMTP, and/or Windows Firewall log forwarding    #####
#<Extension json>
#    Module      xm_json

####                         DHCP-NXLOG                           #####
####     Uncomment the following lines for DHCP log forwarding    #####

#<Extension transform_alienvault_dhcp_csv>
#    Module          xm_csv
#    Fields          $EventReceivedTime, $Message
#    FieldTypes      string, string
#    Delimiter       ;

## DHCP logs assumed they are located in default location
## Use "sysnative" for DHCP Log location for 32-bit applications to access the SYSTEM32 directory on a 64 Bit System
## Use "system32" for DHCP Log location on 32 Bit systems
#<Input DHCP_IN>
#    Module      im_file
#    File        "C:\\Windows\\Sysnative\\dhcp\\DhcpSrvLog-*.log"
#    SavePos     TRUE
#    InputType   LineBased
#    Exec        if $raw_event =~ /^[0-3][0-9],/\
#                {\
#                      $Message = $raw_event;\
#                      if $Message =~ s/^00/1000/;\
#                      $raw_event = to_json();\
#                }\
#                else\
#                      drop();

#<Output DHCP_OUT>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        transform_alienvault_dhcp_csv->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' DHCP-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

#<Route DHCP>
#    Path DHCP_IN => DHCP_OUT

####                        /DHCP-NXLOG                           #####

####                          DNS-NXLOG                           #####
####     Uncomment the following lines for DNS log forwarding     #####

## Custom CSV format for the windns-nxlog AlienVault plugin.
#<Extension transform_alienvault_csv_dns>
#    Module          xm_csv
#    Fields	         $Hostname, $SourceName, $Message
#    FieldTypes      string, string, string
#    Delimiter       ,

#<Input DNS_Logs>
#    Module    im_file
#    File    "C:\\Windows\\Sysnative\\dns\\dns.log"
#    SavePos  TRUE
#    InputType LineBased

#    Exec if ($raw_event =~ /^#/) OR ($raw_event == '') drop();\
#    else\
#    {\
#         $Message = $raw_event;\
#         $SourceName = "DNS";\
#         $raw_event = to_json();\
#    }

#<Output out_alienvault_dns_nxlog>
#    Module          om_udp
#    Port            %OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT%

#    Exec            if not defined $Message { drop(); }

## Replace newlines, tabs and carriage returns with blanks:
#    Exec            $Message = replace($Message, "\t", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\n", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\r", " ");

## Ensure that commonly undefined values are set:
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountName { $AccountName = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountType { $AccountType = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $Domain { $Domain = "-"; }

## Ensure we send in the proper format:
#    Exec	    	 $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec            transform_alienvault_csv_dns->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' DNS-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

## Route for dns nxlog logs:
#<Route route_dns_nxlog>
#    Path        DNS_Logs => out_alienvault_dns_nxlog
####                         /DNS-NXLOG                           #####

####                    EXCHANGE-NXLOG                            #####
####   Uncomment the following lines for Exchange log forwarding  #####

#<Extension syslog>
#    Module     xm_syslog

#    Module     im_file
#    # Modify the file path as needed
#    File       "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\V14\\TransportRoles\\Logs\\MessageTracking\\MSGTRK????????*-*.LOG"
#    SavePos    TRUE
#    Exec       if $raw_event =~ /HealthMailbox/ drop();
#    Exec       if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();

#    Module     om_udp
#    Exec       $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec		$SyslogFacility = 2;
#    Exec		$SourceName = 'EXCHANGE-NXLOG';
#    Exec       to_syslog_bsd();


####                    /EXCHANGE-NXLOG                           #####

####                          FTP-NXLOG                           #####
####     Uncomment the following lines for FTP log forwarding     #####

##<Extension w3c_ftp>
#    Module xm_csv
#    Fields date, time, cs-username, s-ip, s-port, cs-method, cs-uri-stem, sc-status, sc-win32-status, sc-substatus, x-session, x-fullpath
#    FieldTypes string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
#    Delimiter ' '

## Windows FTP events log:
#<Input FTP_Logs>
#    Module    im_file
#    File      "C:\\inetpub\\logs\\LogFiles\\FTPSVC\\u_ex*"
#    SavePos   TRUE
#    Exec if $raw_event =~/^#/ drop();\
#       else\
#       {\
#            w3c_ftp->parse_csv();\
#                  $EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time);\
#                  $SourceName = "WINFTP";\
#            $raw_event = to_json();\
#       }

## Output internal ftp nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_ftp_nxlog>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        $raw_event =$Hostname + ' WINFTP-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;

## Route for ftp nxlog logs:
#<Route route_ftp_nxlog>
#    Path        FTP_Logs => out_alienvault_ftp_nxlog
####                         /FTP-NXLOG                           #####

####                          IIS-NXLOG                           #####
####     Uncomment the following lines for IIS log forwarding     #####
#<Extension w3c>
#    Module	xm_csv
#    Fields	$date, $time, $s_ip, $cs_method, $cs_uri_stem, $cs_uri_query, $s_port, $cs_username, $c_ip, $cs_User_Agent, $cs_Referer, $sc_status, $sc_substatus, $sc_win32_status, $time_taken
#    FieldTypes	string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
#    Delimiter	' '

## Windows IIS events log:
#<Input IIS_Logs>
#    Module   im_file
#    File     "C:\\inetpub\\logs\\LogFiles\\W3SVC1\\u_ex*"
#    SavePos  TRUE

#    Exec if $raw_event =~/^#/ drop();\
#       else\
#       {\
#            w3c->parse_csv();\
#        $EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time);\
#        $SourceName = "IIS";\
#            $raw_event = to_json();\
#       }

## Output internal iis nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_iis_nxlog>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        $raw_event =$Hostname + ' IIS-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;

## Route for iis nxlog logs:
#<Route route_iis_nxlog>
#    Path        IIS_Logs => out_alienvault_iis_nxlog
####                         /IIS-NXLOG                           #####

####                          IIS-SMTP-NXLOG                      #####
####  Uncomment the following lines for IIS SMTP log forwarding   #####

#<Extension w3c_smtp>
#    Module xm_csv
#    Fields $date, $time, $c-ip, $cs-username, $s-sitename, $s-computername, $s-ip, $s-port, $cs-method, $cs-uri-stem, $cs-uri-query, $sc-status, $sc-win32-status, $sc-bytes, $cs-bytes, $time-taken, $cs-version, $cs-host, $cs(User-Agent), $cs(Cookie), $cs(Referer)
#    FieldTypes string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
#    Delimiter ' '

## Windows IIS SMTP events log:
#<Input IIS_SMTP_Logs>
#    Module    im_file
#    File    "C:\\Windows\\System32\\LogFiles\\SmtpSvc1\\ex*"
#    SavePos  TRUE

#    Exec if $raw_event =~/^#/ drop();\
#       else\
#       {\
#            w3c_smtp->parse_csv();\
#        $EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time);\
#        $SourceName = "IIS_SMTP";\
#            $raw_event = to_json();\
#       }

## Output internal iis nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_iis_smtp_nxlog>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        $raw_event =$Hostname + ' IIS-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;

## Route for iis nxlog logs:
#<Route route_iis_smtp_nxlog>
#    Path        IIS_SMTP_Logs => out_alienvault_iis_smtp_nxlog
####                         /IIS-SMTP-NXLOG                      #####

####                        MSSQL-NXLOG                           #####
####   Uncomment the following lines for MSSQL log forwarding     #####

#### NOTE: You must enable SQL Server Audit and send results to the Windows application log

#<Input in_mssql>
#    Module          im_msvistalog
#    SavePos         FALSE
#    ReadFromLast    TRUE
#    Query           <QueryList>                                         \
#                        <Query Id="0">                                  \
#                            <Select Path="Application">*[System[(EventID='33205')]]</Select>\
#                        </Query>                                    \
#                    </QueryList>
#    Exec			 $Message = $raw_event;
#    # Finding some values:
#    Exec			 if $raw_event =~ /action_id:(\S+)/ $Action_ID = $1;
#    Exec			 if $raw_event =~ /database_name:(\S+)/ $DataBase = $1;
#    Exec			 if $raw_event =~ /server_instance_name:(\S+)/ $SV_Instace = $1;
#    Exec			 if $raw_event =~ /session_server_principal_name:(\S+)/ $User = $1;
#    Exec			 if $raw_event =~ /AUDIT_SUCCESS/\
#              {\
#                    $Result = 'Success';\
#              }\
#              else\
#                    $Result = 'Failure';
#    # Replace white spaces
#    Exec            $Message = replace($Message, "\t", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\n", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\r", " ");

#<Output out_mssql>
#    Module          om_udp
#    Port            %OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT%
#    # Ensure we send in the proper format:
#    Exec		     $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec            mssql_csv->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' MSSQL-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

#<Extension mssql_csv>
#    Module          xm_csv
#    Fields          $Hostname, $SourceName, $Action_ID, $Result, $DataBase, $SV_Instace, $User, $Message
#    FieldTypes      string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
#    Delimiter       ;

#<Route mssql>
#    Path            in_mssql => out_mssql

####                       /MSSQL-NXLOG                           #####

####                            NETWRIX-NXLOG                          #####
####     Uncomment the following lines for NETWRIX log forwarding      #####

#<Extension transform_alienvault_csv_netwrix>
#    Module          xm_csv
#	 Fields          $EventTime, $EventType, $Severity, $Channel, $Hostname, $EventID, $SourceName, $Task, $Keywords, $Message
#    FieldTypes      string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
#    Delimiter       ;

## Netwrix events log
#<Input NETWRIX_Logs>
#    Module      	im_msvistalog
#    SavePos	 		FALSE
#    ReadFromLast	TRUE
#    Query          <QueryList>                                         			\
#                   	<Query Id="0">                                  				\
#                       	<Select Path="Netwrix_Auditor_Integration">*</Select>   	\
#                  	    </Query>                                			    \
#	                </QueryList>

## Output internal Netwrix nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_netwrix_nxlog>
#    Module      om_udp

##Replace newlines with ">>"
#	 Exec		$Message = replace($Message, "\n", ">>");
#    Exec    	$Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#	 Exec       transform_alienvault_csv_netwrix->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' NETWRIX-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

## Route for Netwrix nxlog logs:
#<Route route_netwrix_nxlog>
#    Path        NETWRIX_Logs => out_alienvault_netwrix_nxlog
####                     /NETWRIX-NXLOG                           #####

####                          NPS-NXLOG                           #####
####     Uncomment the following lines for NPS log forwarding     #####

#<Extension transform_alienvault_nps>
#	Module       xm_nps

## Assumed NPS logs are located in default location
#<Input NPS_IN>
#    Module      im_file
#    File        "C:\\Windows\\System32\\LogFiles\\IN*"
#    Exec        if $raw_event =~ /([^,]*,){20}("[^"]*")?([^,]*,){5}(\d+)/ $SID = $4;
#    Exec        if $SID =~ /0/ $SID = 1000;
#    Exec        parse_nps();

#<Output NPS_OUT>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        to_json();
#    Exec        $raw_event = $Hostname + ' NPS-NXLOG: ' + 'SID: ' + $SID + ' ' +$raw_event;

#<Route NPS>
#    Path NPS_IN => NPS_OUT

####                         /NPS-NXLOG                           #####

####                  OBSERVEIT-NXLOG                             #####
####   Uncomment the following lines for ObserveIT log forwarding #####

#<Input ObserveITin>
#    Module    im_file
#    File    "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ObserveIT\\NotificationService\\LogFiles\\ArcSight\\Observeit_activity_log.cef"
#    SavePos  TRUE
#    InputType LineBased
#    Exec if $raw_event =~ /(CEF:.*)/ $Message = $1;

#<Output ObserveITout>
#    Module          om_udp
#    Port            %OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT%
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        $raw_event = $Hostname + ' OBSERVEIT-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

#<Route ObserveITroute>
#    Path ObserveITin => ObserveITout

####                /OBSERVEIT-NXLOG                              #####

####                          ORACLE-NXLOG                        #####
## Oracle events log
#<Input ORACLE_IN>
#    Module          im_msvistalog
#    SavePos         FALSE
#    ReadFromLast    TRUE
#    Query           <QueryList>                                                   \
#                        <Query Id="0">                                                \
#                            <Select Path="Application">*[System[(EventID='34')]]</Select>\
#                        </Query>                                              \
#                    </QueryList>
## Output internal Oracle nxlog messages:
#<Output ORACLE_OUT>
#    Module      om_udp
#    # Ensure that commonly undefined values are set:
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountName { $AccountName = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountType { $AccountType = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $Domain { $Domain = "-"; }
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        transform_alienvault_csv->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' ORACLE-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;
## Route for Oracle nxlog logs:
#<Route route_oracle_nxlog>
#    Path        ORACLE_IN => ORACLE_OUT
####                      /ORACLE-NXLOG                           #####

####                          SCOM-NXLOG                          #####
####     Uncomment the following lines for SCOM log forwarding    #####

#<Extension transform_alienvault_csv_scom>
#    Module          xm_csv
#    Fields          $EventTime, $EventType, $Severity, $Channel, $Hostname, $EventID, $SourceName, $AccountName, $AccountType, $Domain, $Message
#    FieldTypes      string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
#    Delimiter       ,

## Windows SCOM events log:
#<Input SCOM_Logs>
#    Module      im_msvistalog
#    Query       <QueryList>\
#                    <Query Id="0">\
#                        <Select Path="Operations Manager">*</Select>\
#                    </Query>\
#                </QueryList>
#    Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();\
#    else\
#    {\
#         $Message = $raw_event;\
#    }
#    Exec if $raw_event =~ /User name:\s*(.*?)\s+Session/i $AccountName = $1;
#      Exec if $raw_event =~ /RunAs account\s*(.*?)\s+for/i $AccountName = $1;
#      Exec if $raw_event =~ /CurrentUser=(.*?)\)/i $AccountName = $1;

## Output internal scom nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_scom_nxlog>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        if not defined $Message { drop(); }
#    Exec        $Message = replace($Message, "\t", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\n", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\r", " ");
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountName { $AccountName = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountType { $AccountType = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $Domain { $Domain = "-"; }
#    Exec       $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        transform_alienvault_csv_scom->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' SCOM-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

## Route for scom nxlog logs:
#<Route route_scom_nxlog>
#    Path        SCOM_Logs => out_alienvault_scom_nxlog

####                         /SCOM-NXLOG                          #####

####                         SECUREAUTH-NXLOG                            #####
####  Uncomment the following lines for SecureAuth audit log forwarding  #####
#<Extension xmlparser>
#    Module  xm_xml
#<Extension syslog>
#    Module  xm_syslog
### Windows 2FA audit log:
#<Input 2FA_Logs>
#    Module   im_file
#    # Modify the file path as needed
#    File     "D:\\Secureauth\\SecureAuth2\\AuditLogs\\*Audit*"
#    # SavePos  FALSE
#    ReadFromLast FALSE
#    PollInterval 5
#  Exec   if $raw_event !~ /^<event>/ drop();
#            ## Parse the xml event    see and see if you can do the same for non-multi-line xml
#            Exec  parse_xml();\
#         Exec  if $raw_event =~ /\<TimeStamp\>(.+)\<\/TimeStamp\>/ $EventTime = parsedate($1);\
#            Exec  $SourceName = "2FA";\
#            Exec  $raw_event = to_syslog_bsd();\
## Output internal 2FA nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_2fa_nxlog>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        $raw_event =$Hostname + ' 2FA-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;
## Route for 2fa nxlog logs:
#<Route route_2fa_nxlog>
#    Path        2FA_Logs => out_alienvault_2fa_nxlog
####                        /SECUREAUTH-NXLOG                            #####

####                         SOPHOSEC-NXLOG                       #####
####   Uncomment the following lines for Sophos-EC log forwarding #####

#<Extension kvp>
#    Module          xm_kvp
#    KVPDelimiter    ;
#    KVDelimiter     =

#<Extension syslog>
#    Module  xm_syslog

##Sophosec logs assumed they are located in default location
#<Input SOPHOS_IN>

#    Module      im_file
#    File        "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Sophos\\Reporting Interface\\Log Files\\DefaultCommonEvents.txt"
#    SavePos     TRUE
#    InputType   LineBased
#    Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();\
#    else\
#    {\
#       kvp->parse_kvp();\
#       $Message = $raw_event;\
#    }

#<Output SOPHOS_OUT>

#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec        $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        to_syslog_bsd();
#    Exec        $raw_event = '<13>' + $Hostname + ' SOPHOSEC-NXLOG: ' + 'InsertedAt="' +$InsertedAt + '"; ' + 'EventID="' +$EventID + '"; ' + 'EventTime="' +$EventTime + '"; ' + 'EventTypeID="' +$EventTypeID + '"; ' + 'EventType="' +$EventType + '"; ' + 'Name="' +$Name + '"; ' + 'ReportingName="' +$ReportingName + '"; ' + 'UserName="' +$UserName + '"; ' + 'ActionID="' +$ActionID + '"; ' + 'Action="' +$Action + '"; ' + 'ScanType="' +$ScanType + '"; ' + 'SubTypeID="' +$SubTypeID + '"; ' + 'SubType="' +$SubType + '"; ' + 'ComputerName="' +$ComputerName + '"; ' + 'ComputerDomain="' +$ComputerDomain + '"; ' + 'ComputerIPAddress="' + $ComputerIPAddress + '"';


#<Route Sophos>


####                        /SOPHOSEC-NXLOG                       #####

####                       /SYSMON-NXLOG                          #####

#<Input in_sysmon_events>
#    Module          im_msvistalog
#    SavePos         FALSE
#    ReadFromLast    TRUE
#    Query           <QueryList>\
#                        <Query Id="0">\
#                            <Select Path="Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational">*</Select>\
#                        </Query>\
#                    </QueryList>

#<Output out_sysmon_events>
#    Module          om_udp
#    Port            %OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT%
#    # Replace newlines, tabs and carriage returns with blanks:
#    Exec            $Message = replace($Message, "\t", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\n", " "); $Message = replace($Message, "\r", " ");
#    # Ensure that commonly undefined values are set:
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountName { $AccountName = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $AccountType { $AccountType = "-"; }
#    Exec            if not defined $Domain { $Domain = "-"; }
#    # Ensure we send in the proper format:
#    Exec            transform_alienvault_csv->to_csv(); $raw_event = $Hostname + ' SYSMON-NXLOG ' + $raw_event;

#<Route route_sysmon_logs>
#    Path            in_sysmon_events => out_sysmon_events

####                       /SYSMON-NXLOG                          #####

####                          WINDOWS-FW-NXLOG                         #####
#### Uncomment the following lines for WINDOWS FIREWALL log forwarding #####

#<Extension transform_alienvault_csv_windows_firewall>
#    Module          xm_csv
#    Fields          date, time, action, protocol, src-ip, dst-ip, src-port, dst-port, size, tcpflags, tcpsyn, tcpack, tcpwin, icmptype, icmpcode, info, path
#    FieldTypes      string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string, string
#    Delimiter       ' '

## Windows firewall events log:
#<Input WINDOWS-FW_Logs>
#    Module      im_file
#    File        "C:\\Windows\\System32\\LogFiles\\Firewall\\pfirewall.log"
#    Exec if $raw_event =~ /^#/ drop();\
#    {\
#               transform_alienvault_csv_windows_firewall->parse_csv();\
#               $EventTime = parsedate($date + " " + $time);\
#               $SourceName = "WINDOWS-FW";\
#               $raw_event = to_json();\
#    }

## Output internal windows firewall nxlog messages:
#<Output out_alienvault_windows_firewall_nxlog>
#    Module      om_udp
#    Exec          $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec        $raw_event = $Hostname + ' WIN-FW-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

## Route for windows firewall nxlog logs:
#<Route route_windows_fw_nxlog>
#    Path        WINDOWS-FW_Logs => out_alienvault_windows_firewall_nxlog
####                  /WINDOWS-FW-NXLOG                           #####

####                         WINGFTP-NXLOG                        #####


#<Input in_wingftp_admin>
#    Module         im_file
#	 # Modify the file path as needed
#	 File   		"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Wing FTP Server\\Log\\Admin\\Admin-*.log"
#    SavePos        TRUE

#<Input in_wingftp_system>
#    Module         im_file
#	 # Modify the file path as needed
#	 File   		"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Wing FTP Server\\Log\\System\\System-*.log"
#    SavePos        TRUE

#<Input in_wingftp_domain>
#    Module         im_file
#	 # Modify the file path as needed
#	 File   		"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Wing FTP Server\\Log\\Domains\\%WING_DOMAIN%\\AV-*.log"
#    SavePos        TRUE

#<Output out_wingftp>
#    Module          om_udp
#    Port            %OUTPUT_DESTINATION_PORT%

#    # Ensure we send in the proper format:
#    Exec		     $Hostname = hostname_fqdn();
#    Exec            $raw_event = $Hostname + ' WINGFTP-NXLOG: ' + $raw_event;

#<Route WINGFTP>
#    Path            in_wingftp_admin,in_wingftp_system,in_wingftp_domain => out_wingftp

####                         /WINGFTP-NXLOG                       #####

  • PatternDB Configuration File Code
  • <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
      <created>2016-12-02 13:39:49</created>
          <name>Event - 19</name>
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